Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Banking on a Big Shamrock

I can't believe that the title hopes of the 2011 Boston Celtics are relying on the 39 year old calf of the Big Diesel. I really can't believe that the chances for number 18 this year are hanging on the calf of the Big Aristotle. But facts are facts, the only chance that the Celtics have to beat the Heat is by getting The Shaqtus on the court.

Call him what you will, but the fact that Shaquille O'Neal is still this important to a title contender in 2011 should tell you everything you need to know about the man. No other player in league history has made more of a difference at an older age. Sure, players have been better at older ages, but no one has made the difference that Shaq has for the Celtics. With him in the lineup the offense runs smoother because it gives the Celtics a low post presence that jump shooters Jermaine O'Neal and Kevin Garnett can't provide. On defense, Shaq can clog the middle and deliver a hard foul when necessary, and so far it's not only necessary but long overdue for Lebron and Dwyane Wade.

Throughout the playoffs I've talked a lot about older veteran stars having moments where they come up big and carry their team for stretches, it's one of my favorite things to see happen. Shaq coming back and contributing to a Celtics win and a Celtics series comeback would rank at the top of the "veteran stars turning back the clock" moments this postseason.

In case you forgot, here's what Shaq looks like, and what he used to be capable of doing. Let's hope he has a few more performances like these in him.

Don't give up hope, Celtics in 7.

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