Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Dwightmare is Finally Over

Remember when you had to watch those movies in school, the ones that went with the book you were reading in English class and were supposed to have an underlying message? They would drag on for what seemed like weeks and there were moments where you seriously considered gouging out your eyes just so you wouldn't have to watch another minute. Well the entire Dwight Howard trade watch was that movie.

I'm going to assume that if you're reading this you have at least somewhat followed the ongoing Dwight trade talks that have been taking place for over a year now. First he wanted to be traded, then it had to be to a big market, then it had to be Brooklyn, then he didn't want to be traded anywhere, then he did want to be traded, then he wanted to be a free agent, which led to him opting IN for another year in Orlando, then he got back surgery and missed the end of the season, then he wanted to stay in Orlando, then he wanted to be traded to Brooklyn, and finally he accepted a trade to the Lakers.

Read that paragraph again and remember that this all happened in an 8 month span from Christmas to this past Thursday when he finally got traded. While he broke the record for most change of hearts in less than a year it became very obvious that Dwight is a 26 year old man who still has a little child in him.

Now onto the really fun part for me, let's break down the trade for the four teams involved.

LA Lakers: How can you not LOVE this trade for them? They upgraded from Andrew Bynum to Dwight Howard and all it cost them was a first round pick, which is destined to be between 25 and 30. The Lakers now employ four of the top 30 players in the league with Steve Nash, Kobe, Pau, and Dwight. They have become the favorites to win the championship and have jumped the Heat as the team with the most talented starting lineup. Kobe Bryant, a former MVP, is now the third most important player on his own team. By starting Howard in place of Bynum the Lakers now have a low post defensive presence that can block shots and challenge plays at the rim. Bynum was a superior offensive player but with Steve Nash running the point, Dwight might set the record for most alley-oops that cause a fan base to collectively lose their shit. The word Boom-Shakalaka was invented for this pairing. Throw in Pau Gasol, one of the best big men in the league in his own right and that's a destructive combination of big men. Oh and I almost forgot, they employ a certain Black Mamba who is also capable of taking over a game and putting up 40 points on any given night. Perhaps the person who will benefit most from this is The Artist Formerly Known As Ron Artest, who will set the record for most wide open threes clanged off the side of the rim. Should he even be able to shoot a respectable percentage, every other team won't even have a chance. Also with his defensive abilities he will be extremely valuable in trying to stop Lebron and Wade should they meet in the finals. If the Lakers can fill out the bench with veterans like Leandro Barbosa and maybe Darko and younger guys like Jodie Meeks then they will be a tough out in the playoffs.

Denver Nuggets: Another team that I love this trade for. They picked up Andre Iguodala while giving up Aaron Afflalo, Al Harrington, and a couple draft picks. Iguodala is a solid upgrade over Afflalo and will give the Nuggets a better defensive presence on the wing. Pairing him with JaVale Mcgee, Danilo Gallinari, Wilson Chandler, "The Manimal" Kenneth Faried and Ty Lawson will give the Nuggets a very 2004 Detroit Pistons feel. I don't think they're going to win the championship but they will definitely do better than anyone expects. That is a well balanced team with some great defensive players, great rebounders, and guys that can get into the paint on offense.

Philadelphia 76ers: Incredibly I also love the trade for the Sixers. They got the second best player in the deal and finally got themselves a franchise level big man in Andrew Bynum. I know I sort of trashed him when I was talking about how Dwight is better than him but Bynum is the second best center in the league when motivated. They also picked up Jason Richardson, who can step right in and replace Iguodala's offensive production plus add three point shooting. They return Evan Turner, J'rue Holliday, and Spencer Hawes to a team that took the Celtics to seven games in the playoffs last year. Turner and Holliday should only get better and Bynum gives them a low post presence that they haven't had since Charles Barkley left town twenty years ago. This is my sleeper team in the Eastern Conference, they are going to be a top four seed in the playoffs and will outperform the WAY overhyped New York Knicks that everybody seems to love. Richardson had a tough year last year but in his defense he was playing in Orlando, Dwightmare Central, and he came into the lockout shortened season very out of shape.

Orlando Magic: HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT.......and did I mention that I HATE IT. They just bent over and took it from Dwight for 8 months and then sent him to the best situation....really? Really? Really? The man has been a pain the ass for almost a year and you send him to the best situation for him to immediately win a title....does that make ANY sense? I could try to defend it if they had gotten a kings ransom back, something like Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum or Bynum plus multiple lottery picks, but they just gave Dwight away. The centerpiece of their return was Aaron Afflalo.......seriously Aaron Afflalo. Nothing against Afflalo, I'm actually a big fan of his and thing he's pretty talented but is he any better than Rudy Gay or Kevin Martin? Would either of those guys have been accepted as the best player in return for You could say they got three first round picks but look closer, all three teams they got them from will be in the playoffs, which means at best they will be at #15 or worse. If they had sent Dwight to the Rockets last month they would've received three picks that were all between 10 and 20 in a loaded draft. This trade is like going out to eat and choosing quantity over quality. It's like going to Wendys and realizing that for 5 bucks I can either get a full meal or I can get five loaded bake potatoes. Sure the baked potatoes are good but do you build an entire dinner around them? No, you don't. You make sure to get one main piece of the meal and then surround it with other food that compliments the main piece. Orlando traded their main piece for a bunch of side dishes, when they already had enough side dishes. Their best players are now Aaron Afflalo, Big Baby Davis, and Jameer Nelson. And with your first pick in the 2013 NBA Draft the Orlando Magic select.........

So there it is, the Dwightmare is over and the result has turned into a nightmare for every team in the NBA. Orlando got nothing worth keeping in return for him and they gave him to a team that is now the overwhelming favorite for the NBA title. At least I can root for Steve Nash.

Thanks for reading, be sure to leave a comment, go back and read all my other entries, tell your friends about the blog, and follow me on twitter @joshviola19.


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